Assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilities.

(World Health Organization)



Soil Pollution Improvement Project, Zhenxing Road, Taichung City

  • Date:2010-07-09 10:37:49
  • Owner:
  • Scale:$
  • Views:632

Soil Pollution Improvement Project, in the pollution reserve area, south section of Zhenxing Road, Taichung City

The contaminated site is located in Dongmenli, the eastern part of Taichung City. The site area is 15,600 square meters and the contaminated area is 1.48 hectares. The total volume of heavy metal lead exceeds the soil pollution monitoring standard (1000mg/kg) and the total volume is 33,000 cubic meters. In the phase remediation, Area A accounted for approximately 18,074 cubic meters, Dongfu 2nd Street Road accounted for approximately 949 cubic meters, and Area B accounted for approximately 10,430 cubic meters. The total contaminated soil volume was approximately 29,453 cubic meters.