Civil Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of Power in Nature for the use and convenience of man.

(Institution of Civil Engineers)



New Nanyun Interchange Ramp System Project on National Hwy 3 (Bid No. D34)

  • Date:2014-04-18 10:33:40
  • Owner:
  • Scale:$
  • Views:487

The project is located between Zhushan Interchange Ramp (243K+775) and Douliu Interchange

Ramp (260K+300) on National Hwy 3. The main line is near 250K. The administrative area belongs to Zhushan Town, Nantou County. The project includes widening viaduct on the south line and north line, widening the viaduct, the L3 and R4 viaducts, the ramp retaining wall project, the 47 road rerouting of local roads, the new through-car box culvert (tube power method), the new box culvert of the sluice waterway, and the attached drainage engineering and lighting engineering , control of civil engineering, traffic engineering, landscape planting projects, etc. The project is to be completed in 690 calendar days.

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